Welcome to the West Royalty ElementaryHot Lunch web site for the 2024-2025 school year. On this site parents will be able to place hot lunch orders for their children.
At the beginning of each school year all users must register new accounts using same email as previous year. If you had a balance in your account from the 2024-2025 school year, it will be carried forward to the current school year account after you register.
Weekly orders must be placed and paid for by Sunday at 11 pm.
Instructions for Getting Started
Register as a parent -
Click on the "Register" button at the top of the page (black toolbar)
After this first time you can log back in using whatever userID and password you choose.
The email address you provide will be used to send you confirmation of your orders, and a reminder each Sunday of what you ordered for your child(ren) for the following week.
Enter all your children into the system
Click on "Students" and follow the instructions to add each child in your family who attends our school
The system will automatically fill in their last name, but please edit this if their last name is not the same as your own.
If you need help at any time please click on the “help” tab then select “Parent instruction guide”
Place all your orders for each child
Click on "Orders" and proceed to place orders for each of your children.
When ordering lunches, select all the items you want to order and then scroll down to check out.
*Reimbursements are not possible because the vendors must be paid for the food they supply.
This is not the case on storm closure days, as no food is provided by vendors therefore your account will be then credited for the order placed that day
You can edit an order up until Sunday at 11 pm prior to each order week (The system will give you a credit in the hotlunches.net account, which you can use on your next order). After that the menu is closed, no adjustments can be made to that week’s order. If your child is sick or absent and you wish to pick up your child’s lunch, you must phone the school on that day to notify the teacher. If the school does not receive a call, his/her lunch order will be donated to another child in need.
After placing all your orders, click Place Order & Proceed which will bring you to Bambora payment. Enter credit card click Pay.
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